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Effect of a Demagnetizing Field (Self-Demagnetizing)

In a magnetized magnet, the magnetic field generated on the surface goes from the N pole to the S pole while in the magnet, the magnetic field called Hd/ is generated moving against Magnetization I.

This internal magnetic field is called a demagnetizing field, and works to demagnetize the magnet. This demagnetizing field differs according to the magnet’s proportions, and it becomes smaller as the magnet gets longer and narrower in the magnetizing direction.

Permeance Modulus

The effect of the demagnetizing field is practically shown by the slope of Bd/Hd, as the ratio between the magnetic flux field and demagnetizing field. This P=Bd/Hd is called “permeance modulus”, the straight line of the permeance modulus is called the “operating line”, and the intersection point with the demagnetizing curve is called the operating point.